Next Meeting:

When: Saturday July 13, 2024:
             Lunch Served ............................................................................11:00 a.m.
Lunch & Learn Safety Session by Randy West ....................... 11:15 - 11:45 a.m
Regular Business Meeting .......................................................11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..  
Where: New Harrell Field Clubhouse

Menu:  lunch


Business Meeting Agenda:

               1. Declare a quorum
               2. Thank Lunch preparers
               3. Lunch volunteer for next month
               4. Approval of minutes
               5. Recognize guests
               6. Applications and acceptance of new members
               7. New pilots & ratings
               8. Activities update
               9. Grounds and clubhouse report
                --- Grounds report
                --- Construction update
                --- Hangar committee update
                --- Sealed & available hanger bid process
                --- Upcoming work days

             10. Financial report
             11. New business
             12. Old business
             13. Adjourn





Central Mississippi Light Flyers

Date:  5-11-24

Meeting Minutes


President Carl Fox called the meeting to order at 11:51. Other officers present were Wes Stafford, Bill Lehr, Randy West, and Cheri Anglin.  A quorum was established with 24.


Randy gave a safety presentation on immediate action emergencies.


The club thanked Carl for providing barbeque.  Jim and James will provide lunch in July since we are expecting EAA members.


Wes moved that the April minutes be accepted, Les seconded it, and the motion was approved.


Guests included Mark Turner, Major Ron Ogen, Wayne Moore, Wells Frazier, and Brooke Vaughan.


Carl went over the fly-in checklist.


Wes mentioned the possibility of people camping at the fly-in.


Carlton gave a clubhouse construction update.  Pipes for the treatment plant are down.  The tank was installed Tuesday.  Two vanities and three doors were installed.


Carl thanked everyone for their help with the new clubhouse.  We will have a workday for the next three Saturdays.


Les demonstrated the new lockbox.


Bill gave the financial report.  We will be able to finish up the new clubhouse!


There is one space available at the NE corner of the old clubhouse hangar that is 22 feet deep and 16 feet wide.  Email bids will be accepted until 5:00 on Friday, May 17.


Wes was chair of the election committee.  All current officers agreed to serve another year.  Jim moved that the slate of officers be accepted, Carlton seconded it, and it was approved.


Carlton moved that the meeting be adjourned at 12:47.



Respectfully submitted,


Cheri Anglin





Historical Minutes:
Click on date needed to download minutes PDF.
                        FY06 > -------------- Not on file --------------- Jan06 Feb06 Mar06 Apr06 May06 Jun06                   
                        FY07 > Jul06 Aug06 Sep06 Oct06 Dec06 Jan07 Feb07 Mar07 Apr07 May07 Jun07
                        FY08 > Jul07 Aug07 Sep07 Oct07 Dec07 Jan08 Feb08 Mar08 Apr08 May08
                        FY09 > Jul08 Aug08 Sep08 Oct08 Dec08 Jan09 Feb09 Mar09 Apr09 May09
                        FY10 > Jul09 Aug09 Sep09 Oct09 Dec09 Jan10 Feb10 Mar10 Apr10 May10
                        FY11 > Jul10 Aug10 Sep10  none Dec10 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11
                        FY12 > Jul11 Aug11 Sep11 Oct11 none   none  none   none   none   none
                FY13 > Jul12 Aug12 Sep12 Oct12 none Jan13 Feb13 Mar13 Apr13 May13
                        FY14 > Jul13 Aug13
Sep13 Oct13 Dec13 Jan14 Feb14 Mar14 Apr14 May14 Jun14
                        FY15 > Jul14 Aug14 Sep14 Oct14 Dec14 Jan15 Feb15 none   Apr15 May15
                        FY16 > Jul15 Aug15 Sep15 Oct15 Dec15 Jan16 Feb16 Mar16 Apr16 May16
                        FY17 > Jul16 Aug16 Sep16 Oct16 Dec16 Jan17 Feb17 Mar17 Apr17 May17
                        FY18 > Jul17 Aug17 Sep17 Oct17 Dec17 Jan18 Feb18 Mar18 Apr18 May18
                        FY19 > Jul18 Aug18 Sep18 Oct18 Nov18 Dec18 Jan19 Feb19 Mar19 Apr19 May19
                        FY20 > Jul19 Aug19 Sep19 Oct19 Dec19 Jan20 Feb20 Mar20 covid May20 covid
                        FY21 > Jul20 Aug20 Sep20 Oct20 Dec20 Jan21 Feb21 Mar21 Apr21 May21
                        FY22 > Jul21 Aug21 Sep21 Oct21 Dec21 Jan22 Feb22 Mar22 Apr22 May22
                        FY23 > Jul22 Aug22 Sep22 Oct22 Dec22 Jan23 Feb23 Mar23 Apr23 May23
                        FY24 > Jul23 Aug23 Sep23 Oct23 Dec23 Jan24 Feb24 Mar24 Apr24 May24

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Central Mississippi Light Flyers

Fly For Fun!                       CMLF